奖项介绍 中国最具影响力100位建筑和室内设计精英(The 100 Most Influential Architects And Interior Designers In China)由《安邸AD》主办,在建筑设计界具有重大影响力的AD100中国最具影响力100位建筑、室内设计精英颁奖盛典将迎来第六届,本届颁奖典礼将于2023年年末隆重举办。AD100榜单是Architectural Digest全球9个版...
奖项介绍 中国最具影响力100位建筑和室内设计精英(The 100 Most Influential Architects And Interior Designers In China)由《安邸AD》主办,在建筑设计界具有重大影响力的AD100中国最具影响力100位建筑、室内设计精英颁奖盛典将迎来第六届,本届颁奖典礼将于2023年年末隆重举办。AD100榜单是Architectural Digest全球9个版...
中国最具影响力100位建筑和室内设计精英(The 100 Most Influential Architects and Interior Designers in China,简称AD100)由《安邸AD》主办,是Architectural Digest全球9个地区版本均会参与评选的重要榜单,于2013年首次在中国发布,两年一届,受到了建筑、设计界精英们的大力支持。入选设计师不仅在中国地区备受赞誉,其作...
近日,由《安邸AD》杂志主办的2023年“AD100中国最具影响力100位建筑和室内设计精英”榜单揭晓,米思入选榜单。AD100中国最具影响力100位建筑和室内设计精英AD100中国最具影响力100位建筑和室内设计精英(The 100 Most Influential Architects And Interior Designers In China)由《安邸AD》主办,在建筑设计界具有重大影响...
The 100 Most Talented Young Architects and Interior Designers in China 2020 国际权威设计与生活方式媒体《AD安邸》发起举办 首届AD1OO YOUNG建筑和室内设计新锐大奖 JYDP间睦设计凭借 湖光里文创零售书店项目入选获奖 about the awards- AD100 YOUNG 1920年,《安邸AD》杂志创刊于美国,是国际知名建筑设计与生活...
Now let’s meet some of today’s top talent inarchitecture and designthat are already names that you are used to seeing on theAD 100list: Amy Lau Design A Tribeca triplex (pictured bellow) designed by Amy Lau. See Also:...
AD100 is a concept created by Architectural Digest that brings together the most creative individuals, firms, and groups working in the fields of interior desig
Get to know the esteemed creatives who make up the AD100, the definitive list of today’s top talents in interior decoration, architecture, and landscape design
Unusually, "AD100 YOUNG" was first initiated this June to highlight the most talented architects and interior designers aged below 35 and budding architectural design or interior design studios founded less than 5 years. It aims to manifest great vigor great potential of designs from China. It...