Volume Discount can be calculated as same product with different power and BC combination 數量折扣可以是同一產品,不同光度,基弧,顏色的不同組合計算 Product Details Product Features Manufacturer (製造商) Johnson & Johnson (強生) Brand (品牌)
ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day MULTIFOCAL Contact Lens The intense demands of today are especially difficult as we get into our 40s and beyond. Combined with
強生One Day Acuvue Moist Multifocal每日拋棄型多焦點隱形眼鏡,隱形眼鏡鏡片獨有基弧設計,讓眼球和鏡片自然貼服,不易移位。One Day Acuvue Moist Multifocal同樣具備了Acuvue Moist鎖水技術,長達20小時鎖住水份,以後無論遠、中、近視野,或者對著電腦手機或看書,每天都可以有Quality Life了。