聽The object of this paper is to state the sequence of the changes which occur in the bones in infectious osteomyelitis; to emphasize the difference in the pathologic conditions which exist during the acute, subacute and chronic stages of the disease; and especially to suggest certain operations ...
Gutman LT. "Acute, subacute, and chronic osteomyelitis and pyogenic arthritis in children". Current Problems in Pediatrics 15.12 (1985): 1-72.Gutman LT. Acute, subacute, and chronic osteomyelitis and pyogenic arthritis in children. Curr Probl Pediatr 1985; 15: 6-7....
Subacute osteomyelitis, infant osteoarthritis and spinal and sacroiliac joint infections were all excluded. All children were treated according to a preestablished protocol including: clinical examination; blood tests; ultrasound, to determine the presence and size of the periosteal elevation and to ...
This type includes staphylococcusassociated glomerulonephritis (SAGN) that develops in people with a subacute or chronic infection with methicillin-sensitive or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (including sepsis, soft tissue and skin infection, osteomyelitis, lung abscess, and pneumonia), as well ...
7,12 Manipulation7,8 and mobilization7,8,13 are probably more effective treatment modalities than is standard care provided by a general practitioner for subacute or chronic neck pain. Ketorolac tromethamine injected intramuscularly (IM) has been shown to be an effective analgesic in treating acute...
Back pain is classified as acute (lastingless than 6 weeks), subacute (6-12weeks), and chronic(longer than12 weeks).4Formost, LBP is acute,temporary, andminor. Less than2% of LBP islinked to seriouspathology, suchas metastatic cancer,osteomyelitis,or abscess.5,9Ifneurologic in origin,LBP...