Toxicity (oral) Category 3, CAUTION European/International Regulations: Hazard Symbol: T, N; risk phrases: R23/25; R50/53; safety phrases: S1/2; S36/37; S45; S60; S61 (see Appendix 1) View chapter Chapter Foods, Materials, Technologies and Risks Encyclopedia of Food Safety Reference work...
In this study, we treated AMI by adenoviral transfer of Ang1 (HGMW-approved gene symbol ANGPT1) to the myocardium in a rat model and evaluated angiogenesis, infarct sizes, and cardiac function. Results Detection of immunoreactive human ang1 in vitro We constructed an adenoviral vector encoding...
Various oils can efficiently control a wide range of pests and pathogens on plants. In this study, we tested the effectiveness solely applied paraffin oil (PFO) spraying against Erysiphe necator, the causal agent of grape powdery mildew (GPM). Its effect