Therefore, it is pertinent to assess stress-related reactions of earthquake victims during the early post-disaster period through the application of ICD-10 criteria. For the first 3 weeks following an earthquake, 102 help-seekers were assessed based on a checklist of sociodemographic variables and ...
DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ASD (308.3).© American Psychiatric Association, The first edition of the DSM, published in 1952 (APA, 1952), included the stress-related diagnosis Gross Stress Reaction (GSR), which was defined as a “transient situational personality ...
post-traumatic stress; acute stress reaction; protracted; disaster; earthquake Objective: To verify the official criteria of ICD-10 diagnosis of acute stress reaction (ASR) among earthquake victims. Method: Data on psychosocial variables and the diagnosis of ASR were collected from 91 subjects. Resul...
A convenience sampling method was adopted to recruit 30 college student subjects, 15 of each gender, to complete the task in both acute stress and neutral states by posting a recruitment announcement on campus. Inclusion criteria: age 18 to 25 years, right-handed, no major physical illness, ...
II: Results from the international field trials of the ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for research for mental and behavioural disorders. Am J Psychiatry 152:1427–1437 CAS PubMed Google Scholar Schneider K (1958) Klinische Psychopathologie. Aufl 5. Thieme, Stuttgart (translated by Hamilton MW, ...
Patients diagnosed with ARDS according to criteria from Berlin Definition and had the platelet count (PLT) measured within the first day after intensive care unit admission were analyzed. Based on PLT, ARDS patients were divided into four groups: PLT ≤ 100 × 109...
Answer to: What is the relationship between the terms eustress (good stress), distress, acute stress, and chronic stress with the Yerkes-Dodson...
The same criteria apply to glucocorticoids (1–2 mg/kg BW), whereby rectal administration is also possible. The expert group recommends the treatment of anaphylaxis with antihistamines in increased doses (up to four times the approved single dose). The new second-generation selective histamine ...
2019; (2) were case reports, opinions, commentaries and interventional studies; (3) included unconfirmed COVID-19 or other SARS-like illnesses; (4) involved animals; and (5) did not meet the inclusion criteria. Pre-print articles were considered acceptable if they met the inclusion criteria....
A total of 69 patients were found in hospital database with the inclusion criteria mentioned in Section 2. All patients were contacted via telephone; of these, 5 patients were deceased (information from caregivers), 7 had incorrect contact information, 9 lacked phone numbers, 5 had incomplete me...