Cerebellar diaschisis: A sign of acute infarct in HMPAO scandoi:10.1016/s0009-9260(89)80376-9NoneELSEVIERClinical Radiology
Limited evidence to date has demonstrated changes in excitability that develops over the contralateral motor cortex after a cerebellar infarct. As such, the present study investigated changes in excitability over the contra- (contraM1) and ipsilateral motor cortices (ipsiM1), in patients with acute ...
【Keywords】 Cerebellarinfarct;Arteryatherosclerosis;Cerebralinfarctionmodel 252脑与神经疾病杂志2014年第22卷第4期 急性小脑梗死在临床上以眩晕发作和共济失调 为主要表现,不像前循环梗死易引起患者重视。因 双侧小脑梗死病例数量少,以前有关小脑梗死的研
A Case of Acute Bacterial Meningitis Presenting with Cerebellar Infarctdoi:10.4103/0028-3886.383848BACTERIAL meningitisSingla, Sanjeev K.Singh, RakendraNeurology India
A 59-year-old man was admitted with a diagnosis of acute cerebellar infarct. The next day his level of consciousness deteriorated (Glasgow Coma Score 5) and repeat computed tomography (CT) brain scan showed subtle signs of hydrocephalus. Following neurosurgical intervention, he recovered and is ...
Replies to Acute hydrocephalus following cerebellar infarctElliot EpsteinBmj Case Reports
Anesthetic Management For Surgical Excision Of A Cerebellar Infarct In A Patient With Acute Myocardial InfarctionLailu MathewsR. K. Kalyan SinghInternet Scientific Publications
Agarwal A, et al: Spontaneous thrombosis of developmental venous anomaly (DVA) with venous infarct and acute cerebellar ataxia. Emerg Radiol 2014;21:427-430.Agarwal A, Kanekar S, Kalapos P, Vijay K: Spontaneous thrombosis of developmental venous anomaly (DVA) with venous infarct and acute ...
Initial large infarct size should be associated with hemorrhagic transformation in acute cerebellar strokeY., SakamotoJ., AokiY., IguchiN., MatsumotoK., ShibazakiM., WatanabeT., IwanagaK., Kimura
The present report presents the clinical course in a patient with a diagnosis of hypomanic episode after cerebellar infarct.HasanHüseyinKozakAliUlviUcaFarukUğuzSDOSJournal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular DiseasesKOZAK HH, UCA AU, UGUZ F. Hypomanic episode improved spontaneously after isolated acute ...