【英文名】acutecholecystitis 【缩写】 【别名】 【ICD号】K81.0 【概述】 胆囊炎(cholecystitis)是一种常见病。在我国,据文献报道,位居急症腹 部外科疾患的第2位,仅次于急性阑尾炎,较急性肠梗阻和溃疡病穿孔为多 见。近10余年来,随着B超的普及和广泛应用,对于胆囊炎及胆道疾患的检出 ...
725 patients had emergency surgery for acute cholecystitis, 195 were ASA1, 375 ASA2, and 152 ASA3. Complications occurred in 9% of ASA1, 13% of ASA2, and 24% of ASA3 patients. There was no difference in 30-day mortality. ASA3 patients stayed on average 2 days longer after surgery....