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Background Acute severe metabolic acidosis associated with lactic acidosis or ketoacidosis can have severe detrimental effects on organ function, and might contribute to mortality. A general consensus exists that elimination of the cause of the acidosis is essential for treatment, but there is controvers...
Acute metabolic acidosis enhances circulating parathyroid hormone, which contributes to the renal response against acidosis in the rat.: Acute PTH administratio
At ICU admission, the patient had stable vital signs (AP 115/50 mmHg) a mild tachicardia (HR 115 bpm), and compensated metabolic acidosis (pH 7.37, PaCO2 30 mmHg) with elevated arterial blood lactates (7 mmol/L). After 12 h from ICU admission, the resuscitation phase appeared complete....
Brezis M, Brown RS: An unsuspected cause for metabolic acidosis in chronic renal failure: sorbent system hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 6: 425, 1985 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Wathen RL, Burcham CW Jr: Understanding the dangers of fluoride during dialysis. Nephrol News Issues (Sept): 32, ...
possible that in patients with impending CS, metabolic acidosis ensues first in the pathophysiological cascade, tagging the patients at risk (group B in the SAVE ACS classification). Furthermore, it has been established that acidosis reduces cardiac contractility and enhances vascular hyporesponsiveness ...
Metabolic reprogramming for cancer cells and their microenvironment: Beyond the Warburg Effect. Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer. 2018;1870(1):51–66. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Corbet C, Pinto A, Martherus R, de Jesus Santiago JP, Polet F, Feron O. Acidosis Drives the Reprogramming ...
Treatment of acute rumen lactic acidosis with intravenous hypertonic sodium chloride or bicarbonate solutions followed by intraruminal waterDehydrationFluid therapyHyperosmotic solutionMetabolic acidosis7% sodium chloride6% sodium bicarbonateThe effectiveness of 7% hypertonic saline solution (HSS) and 6% hypertonic...
Hyperlactataemia and Metabolic Acidosis Following Paracetamol Overdose Plasma lactate concentrations and acid-base status were determined in 53 patients poisoned with paracetamol. Eleven patients (Group 1) had plasma paracetamol concentrations below the standard treatment decision line; 19 cases (Group 2)...
sternalretractionandparadoxicalbreathing.Thisproblemofrespiratorymoregulate.Hypothermiacanleadtovasoconstriction,metabolicacidosis compromiseisduetointercostalparalysis;thepatientcanstillhaveacom-fromperipheralvasoconstrictionandmyocardialischemiafromcoronary promisedcoughandaninabilitytoclearsecretions.arteryvasoconstriction.Conversely...