online resourcesAustralasian research informationscholarly researche-titlescommissioningpublishinginformation sourceslibrary resourcesNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/j.2055-2335.2008.tb00830.xGabardiStevenJournal of Pharmacy Practice & Research...
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) is one of the most widely discussed and debated topics in cardiovascular medicine. With increasing number of contrast-media- (CM-) enhanced imaging studies being performed and growing octogenarian population with significant comorbidities, incidence of CI-...
online resourcesAustralasian research informationscholarly researche-titlescommissioningpublishinginformation sourceslibrary resourcesNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/j.2055-2335.2008.tb00830.xSteven GabardiJournal of Pharmacy Practice and Research...
Role of complement activation in acute kidney injuryRodriguez EBarrios CSoler MJPascual J