急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)是临床上较为常见的急危重病症之一,常见于大手术后、创(烧)伤、危重病等患者中,可导致患者电解质紊乱、酸中毒及容量负荷过重,并最终可发展成为尿毒症。 肾缺血再灌注(renal ischemiareperfusion,RIR)损伤是由各种原因导致的肾脏灌注不足所致,伴随着一系列连贯的细胞事件发生,包括...
急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury, AKI)是指各种病因引起的短时间内肾功能快速减退而导致的临床综合征。AKI是一种常见的急危重症,在普通住院患者中AKI的患病率为3%-5%,重症监护病房中更是高达30%-50%[1]。虽然血液净化技术在不断改进,但AKI患者死亡率却未明显降低。AKI...
急性肾损伤(Acute kidney injury, AKI)是一种急性肾功能紊乱,主要以血浆肌酐和尿素氮明显增加,同时尿输出量明显降低为特点。AKI已成为世界范围内的一个公共卫生问题,荟萃分析表明全球成人住院患者急性肾损伤的发生率为21.6%,即每5个成年住院患者,就有1个住院期间发生急性肾损伤;而每5个急性肾损伤患者,就有1个住院...
Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Patients With Exertional Rhabdomyolysis JAMA Network Open Research August 13, 2024 This cohort study estimates the incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients hospitalized with exertional rhabdomyolysis and identifies factors associated with development of AKI in...
Acute kidney injury: kidney attack must be prevented. Nat Rev Nephrol. 2013; 9 :198–199. doi: 10.1038/nrneph.2013.19. [ Cross Ref ]Ronco C, Chawla LS: Acute kidney injury: kidney attack must be prevented. Nat Rev Nephrol 2013, 9:198-199....
急性肾损伤(acut..急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)是临床上较为常见的急危重病症之一,常见于大手术后、创(烧)伤、危重病等患者中,可导致患者电解质紊乱、酸中毒及容量负荷过重,并最终可发展成为尿
急性肾功能损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)既往称为急性肾衰竭(acute renal failu re,ARF),是孕产妇最严重的合并症之一,也是危及母婴生命的重要原因,诊断和治疗及时与否严重影响母婴安全。妊娠合并AKI病因复杂,病情危重,因此,产科医师急需重...
Kidney stones Blood clots in the urinary tract Cancers of the bladder, cervix, or prostate Treating AKI begins with treating the cause of your kidney injury. You may also need temporary dialysis to take over the job of your kidneys until they heal. ...
Acute kidney injury (AKI), also known as acute renal failure, is a sudden and rapid decline in kidney function, leading to a buildup of waste products and fluid imbalances in the body. The pathogenesis of AKI is complex and multifactorial, and can result from a variety of insults to the...
Acute kidney injury is a frequent complication in the intensive care unit that is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Traditional models consider reductions of global renal blood flow as the cause of acute kidney injury. However, a complex interplay between ischemia-reperfusion injury and...