In general, pigs administeredE. coli62-57nal via both the acute and chronic dosing regimens presented similar clinical signs with the majority of pens developing scours by day 2 and continuing through day 6. Control pens had visibly soft feces on day 5 and 6 with a single incident of scou...
Children with nonfebrile-illness seizures were more likely than those with febrile seizures to have acute gastroenteritis (47% and 28%, respectively; P = .05). No significant differences in seizure recurrence were found between children with or without a fever at first seizure. Children with ...
Children with nonfebrile-illness seizures were more likely than those with febrile seizures to have acute gastroenteritis (47% and 28%, respectively; P = .05). No significant differences in seizure recurrence were found between children with or without a fever at first seizure. Children with ...