Pulsus Paradoxus (>10 mm Hg Blood Pressure drop with inspiration) Respiratory Exam Increased AP Chest diameter Wheezing Rales Accessory Muscle use (Neck, chest, Abdomen) Speaking in phrases to catch breath Respiratory effort (Forced Vital Capacity or Peak Flow can be measured bedside) Cardiac Au...
Our estimates, while informative, should be interpreted with caution as they are reported against a backdrop of extensive community spread of SARS-CoV-2 before vac- cine introduction [50], limited access to and availability of SARS-CoV-2 test-kits and low vaccine coverage with variable ...
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a serious complication in the intensive care unit (ICU), which may increase the mortality of critically ill patients. The red blood cell distribution width (RDW) has proved useful as a predictor of short-term prognosis in critically ill patients with AKI. However...
More importantly, we demonstrate that adjMMD can be used to infer model performance deteriorations (i.e., drop of AUROC or ΔAUC). In order to improve the practicality of adjMMD such that target sites would not need to collect all variables to make a quick inference about model transportab...
In total, 38 features were selected using RFE with ten-fold cross-validation repeated five times (Figure S1). Of the 38 features, the postbronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio, eosinophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, hemoglobin, and COPD GOLD score were excluded for collinearity (variance inflation factor > 2)...
Hydydroroxyxymmeeththyylblbilialannee((HHMMBB)),,tthhee lliinneeaarr tteettrraappyyrrrroollee pprroodduucctt,,iissrreeleleaasseeddbbyyhhyyddrorolylysissi.s.TThheesusubsbtsrtartaetesisdiedcehcahianisnasraeraecaectaetteat(eA()Aa)nadnpdropproiopnioatnea(tPe)(.PF)i.gFuirgeumreomdiofideid- f...
Figure 1. Macrophage activation in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). Hepatic oFrigeuxrtera1-h. eMpaactircopphreacgiepiatcattiivnagtifoanctionrsparetiseunlttsinwitthhearceuletea-soena-cnhdropnriocdluivcetirofnaiolufrPeA(AMCPLsFa)n. dHeDpAatMicPosr. Tehxitsral-ehaedpsatto...