Acute coronary syndrome national statistics: Challenges in definitions. Am Heart J. 2005; 149(6):1055-61. doi:10.1016/j.ahj.2004.10.040.Bertoni AG, Bonds DE, Thom T, Chen GJ, Goff DC Jr. Acute coronary syndrome national statistics: challenges in definitions. Am Heart J. 2005;149:1055...
定义:急性冠状动脉综合征(Acute Coronary Syndrome,ACS)是一组由急性心肌缺血引起的临床综合征 分类 有无心肌梗死MI(myocardial infarction) 有:急性心肌梗死AMI,分为非ST段抬高型心肌梗死NSTEMI和ST段抬高型心肌梗死STEMI 无:不稳定性心绞痛UA有无ST段抬高型: ...
急性冠脉综合征(Acute Coronary Syndrome ACS) 发布于 2020-05-11 07:11 心脏病 心血管 医学 打开知乎App 在「我的页」右上角打开扫一扫 其他扫码方式:微信 下载知乎App 开通机构号 无障碍模式 验证码登录 密码登录 中国+86 其他方式登录 未注册手机验证后自动登录,注册即代表同意《知乎协议》《隐私保护指引》...
2023/3/281急性冠脉综合征(acutecoronarysyndrome,ACS) 2一、定义与分类:急性冠脉综合征(ACS)是指冠状动脉内不稳定的动脉粥样斑块破裂或糜烂引起血栓形成所导致的心脏急性缺血综合征。即指急性心肌缺血引起的一组临床症状,包括ST段抬高急性心肌梗塞与非ST段抬高急性心肌梗塞( acutemyocardialinfarction,AMI,Q波与非Q波)...
acute coronary syndrome [əˈkjut ˈkɒrən(ə)ri ˈsɪnˌdrom] 释义 急性冠脉综合征 实用场景例句 全部 Many studies confirmed its good effect in Acute Coronary Syndrome. 研究证实,氯吡格雷对急性冠状动脉综合征患者有良好的疗效. 互联网 Coronary artery atherosclerosis is the main path...
急性冠状动脉综合征(AcuteCoronarySyndrome,ACS)(一)、ACS的概念 ACS作为一个连续的疾病谱,包涵了不稳定型心绞痛、无ST段抬高的急性心肌梗死(大部分演变为非Q波心肌梗死)、ST段抬高的急性心肌梗死(大部分演变为Q波心肌梗死)和猝死。这一组疾病共同的病理生理基础是不稳定的冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块及伴随的血小板...
Acute Coronary Syndrome [*drug therapy, mortality]Angina, Unstable [prevention & control]Cardiovascular Diseases [mortality]Cause of DeathDrug Administration ScheduleHeart Failure [prevention & control]Hydroxymethylglutaryl〤oA Reductase Inhibitors [adverse effects, *therapeutic use]...
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS), a multifactorial clinical syndrome that ranges from unstable angina to MI, may present with a positive family history. Following genome-wide linkage analysis, a locus on chromosome 2 (Table 7.1) has been suggested. Harrap et al.19 identified a group of affected ...
概述急性冠状动脉综合征(acute coronary Syndrome ACS)特指冠心病中急性发作的类型,包括Q 波性急性心肌梗死(AMD …|基于20个网页 3. 急性冠脉综合症 急性冠脉综合症(Acute Coronary Syndrome ACS),是由于冠状动脉瘢破裂、溃烂、出血、血栓痉挛所引起的冠状血流堵塞和心 … ...
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is sudden decreased blood flow to your heart. This causes a lack of oxygen to your heart and can lead to unstable angina or a heart attack.DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS:Call your local emergency number (911 in the US) for any of the following:You have any of the ...