Down syndromeThe mortality rate for coronary artery disease has decreased steadily over the past 25 yeas, attributable to a great extent to advances in medical and mechanical interventions. Nevertheless, mortality rates for acute coronary syndromes remain between 4% and 7%. This article highlights ...
Acute Coronary Syndromes 热度: ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES Acute MI and Unstable Angina 热度: nullTicagrelor Versus Clopidogrel in Acute Coronary Syndromes 热度: UpdateontheMedical Managementof AcuteCoronarySyndrome WorldwideStatistics Eachyear: •>4millionpatientsareadmittedwith ...
In-stent restenosis (ISR) has been shown to be correlated with inflammation. This study aimed to examine the relationship between systemic immune-inflammation index (SII, an innovative inflammatory biomarker) and ISR in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) pati
Intensive versus Moderate Lipid Lowering with Statins after Acute Coronary Syndromes — NEJM Among patients who have recently had an acute coronary syndrome, an intensive lipid-lowering statin regimen provides greater protection against death or major cardiovascular events than does a standard regimen. The... Article PubMed Google Scholar Vriesendorp PA, Wilschut JM, Diletti R, et al. Immediate versus staged revascularisation of non-culprit arteries in patients with acute coronary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neth Heart J. 2022;30(10)...
27. Mangold A, Alias S, Scherz T, et al. Coronary neutrophil extracellular trap burden and deoxyribonuclease activity in ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome are predictors of ST-segment resolution and infarct size. Circ Res 2015;116:1182-1192. ...
在急诊科循环和(或)呼吸评估与支持基本稳定的同时,尽快采取综合措施迅速识别出AHF的致命性病因以及促使心功能恶化的各种可逆性因素(如ACS:acute Coronary syndrome、高血压急症:Hypertension emergency、严重心律失常:Arrhythmia、急性机械性损伤:acute Mechanical cause、急性肺栓塞:Pulmonary embolism、急性感染:Infection、心包...
The aim of the present study is to assess the impact of the current COVID-19 health crisis on admissions for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in the emergency cardiology department of a tertiary general hospital in Germany with a COVID-19 ward. Methods The design of the present study is an ...
Gender differences in the development of heart failure after acute coronary syndrome: Insight from the CORALYS registry. Int J Cardiol. 2024;397:131622. Article PubMed Google Scholar Sotorra-Figuerola G, Ouchi D, García-Sangenís A, Giner-Soriano M, Morros R. Pharmacological treatment after ...
Objective To determine whether high-risk plaque characteristics from coronary CTA are associated with PCAT CT attenuation in patients with a first acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and matched controls with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Design, Setting, and Participants This retrospective, single-...