FRACTUREA previously unreported radiological sign of a sclerotic margin to an acute displaced scaphoid fracture due to bone compression is reported. This should to be recognized because of the implied bone loss and hence risks of both mal-union and non-union, and because of the implication that ...
SnomedCT 425940002, 424548006, 156680002, 77299006, 270542002, 74859007, 239968000, 202930004, 63517006 English Bursitis of elbow region, Inflammation of bursa of olecranon (disorder), Inflammation of bursa of olecranon, Capped elbow, Miners' elbow, Student's elbow, olecranon bursitis (diagnosis), ole...
Other specific tests should be directed by the history, physical examinations, arterial blood gas levels, and chest radiograph. An abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan may be indicated to search for the source of infection in a patient with sepsis and acute lung injury. A chest CT scan may...
following a hyperextension injury, the midline sagittal soft-tissue window CT study confirmed the absence of fracture or dislocation following the hyperextension traumatic event that led to the CSS. Note the presence of spinal ...
Clinicians must maintain a high index of suspicion for fracture when evaluating this group to avoid morbidity and mortality. Advanced imaging studies in the form of multidetector CT and/or MRI should be employed to confirm the diagnosis. Initial immobilization in the patient′s preinjury alignment ...
If PERC criteria are fulfilled, further testing is unneeded, and PE can be excluded. If PERC criteria are not met, then a D-dimer should be obtained. If D-dimer is negative, PE can be ruled out (<500 ng/mL). CT pulmonary angiography should be performed if the D-dimer is positive ...
(EOI) BM biopsy on day 40 revealed a minimal residual disease-negative status. Six months after the EOI, a chest CT examination showed almost complete shrinkage of mediastinal mass-like lesion as well as the mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes (Figure 7). The patient is continuing chemotherapy ...
(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are essential diagnostic tools for identifying PFEDH and assessing the extent of hematoma and brainstem compression.Citation4Treatment often involves urgent neurosurgical intervention, such as craniotomy for hematoma evacuation, to relieve brainstem compression and ...
Objective To compare percutaneous kyphoplasty ( PKP ) and conservative treatment (CT) in terms of efficacy and safety for patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCF) .Methods From July 2007 to July 2010, 164 patients with acute (within 2 weeks) or sub-acute (2 to 8 weeks...
Clinical efficacy comparisons between percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP) and conservative treatment (CT) for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCF) are reported. Summary of Background Data This is the first RCT to compare percutaneous kyphoplasty with conservative treatment in acute and subacute ost...