www.docin.com|基于8个网页 2. 急性乙醇中毒 3.乙醇 一次大量饮酒可发生急性乙醇中毒(acute alcohol poisoning)。4.其他 误服清洁剂或有机溶剂等中毒;毒蛇等咬伤 … blog.sina.com.cn|基于5个网页 释义: 全部,急性酒精中毒,急性乙醇中毒
Acute ethanol poisoning in a 6-year-old girl following ingestion of alcohol-based hand sanitizer at school Madeline Matar JosephDivision of Pediatric Emergency MedicineCristina ZeretzkeOur Lady of the Lake Regional Medical CenterSara ReaderDivision of Pediatric Emergency MedicineDawn R. SolleeUniversity...
a定义:急性酒精中毒俗称醉酒,指饮入过量的酒精或酒精饮料后所引起的中枢神经系统兴奋及随后的抑制状态 Definition: The acute alcoholism popular name alcoholic intoxication, after refers drinks the central nervous system which into the excessive ethyl alcohol or the alcoholic beverage causes excited and afterwa...
Death due to acute alcohol poisoning lacks specific anatomical characteristics, compared with other deaths due to drug poisoning. We report three forensic cases of death from acute alcohol poisoning due to inhibition of the respiratory centre and eventual asphyxia. Blood alcohol concentrations in the ...
Purpose: To explore [Summary] 41 cases of patients with acute alcohol addiction treatment and care. Methods: retrospective analysis I section 41 for admission and treatment of acute alcohol poisoning cases of patients with clinical information. Results: 41 patients suffering from acute alcohol intox ...
from the mass methanol poisoning outbreak in the Czech Republic in 2012 were compared with 46 patient samples taken four years after poisoning (S) (overlap of 10 people with group M) and with a control group (C) of 24 samples of patients with a similar proportion of chronic alcohol abuse....
Alcohol can make your abdominal pain worse. Ask your healthcare provider if it is okay for you to drink alcohol. Also ask how much is okay for you to drink. A drink of alcohol is 12 ounces of beer, ½ ounce of liquor, or 5 ounces of wine. Manage stress. Stress may cause abdomina...
Otherexogenoustoxins:e.g.,mushroom poisoning,aflatoxin,alcohol[1][11] Miscellaneous[1] Vascular disorders: e.g.,Budd-Chiari syndrome,ischemic hepatitis Pregnancy-related disorders: e.g.,HELLP syndrome,acute fatty liver of pregnancy Inherited or autoimmune conditions: e.g.,Wilson disease,autoimmune he...
deeper than the initial examination suggests. Finally, contact burns occur from direct contact with a high-temperature object. Individuals with medical conditions such as epilepsy or habits like alcoholism that predispose them to periods of incapacitation are at higher risk of this mechanism of ...
Isopropyl alcohol 10 ND 5075.4 −1.07 4954.50 −1.08 ND ND −0.94 −1.64 0.031 −1.2 Malathion 11 4 1276.1 −2.41 926.50 −2.55 1197.20 −2.44 −5.73 −3.41 0.019 −2.88 Mercury II chloride 12 2 53 −3.71 40.40 −3.83 29.80 −3.96 −4.71 −4.75 0.044 −4.8 Sod...