After 30 min since harvesting, the vacutainer tubes were centrifuged at 1500× g for 15 min at 4 °C, and the separated serum samples were then subjected to biochemistry analysis using an ACCENT-200 Analyzer (PZ Cormay, Lomianki, Poland). The following parameters have been quantified through ...
decade of the seventeenth century, is outside the walls of a small chapel where the image of a virgin was venerated. The convent belonged to the Clarissa nuns of the San Francisco rule. The baroque style of its facade, with fine Corinthian columns, is evidence of a strong popular accent ...
school design—does not create any urban space or accent; rather, it blends into the axis of the street. After the change in the political regime, the relationship between schools and the dynamically growing city also changed. While schools used to follow urban growth, typically serving the ...
The school—despite the classical school design—does not create any urban space or accent; rather, it blends into the axis of the street. After the change in the political regime, the relationship between schools and the dynamically growing city also changed. While schools used to follow urban...