acute accent汉语翻译 n. 重音符;尖音符 acute accent英语解释 n.a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation 同义词:acuteague acute accent例句 The word “résumé” has twoacute accents on the letters “e.” 单词“résumé”中的两个“e”上都有尖音符。
acute accent英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供acute accent的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。
二、accurate前面有过说明,常用表示精确正确的意思。 三、Accent主要是名词,表示发音。同时accent还有表示重音的意思。 1.the way in which people in a particular area, country, or social group pronounce words: He has a strong southern/Boston accent. She's French but she speaks with an impeccable Eng...
There's an acute accent on thee in 'blé' which is the French word for corn. 在法語中是玉米的意思,它上麪有個強調符號。 權威例句 Given the acute stress in money markets, however, the accent for the time being is more on survival than grabbing opportunities. ...
Look up "acute accent" at Go toPreferencespage and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. In other languages:Spanish|French|Italian|Portuguese|Romanian|German|Dutch|Swedish|Russian|Polish|Czech|Greek|Turkish|Chinese|Japanese|Korean|Arabic ...
Related to Acute accent (´):Accent circonflexe,Accent circumflex acute accent n. A mark (´) indicating: a.that a vowel is close or tense, aséin Frenchété. b.that a vowel or syllable has a high or rising pitch, as in Chinese or Ancient Greek. ...
Acute accent 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 Dictyoceratida,dictyodromous,dictyogen,dictyogenous,Dictyokinesis,dictyonalia,dictyoporospore,dictyoprolene,Dictyoptera,Dictyosiphoniales, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, 用户正在搜索 dicumarol,dicyan,dicyanamide,dicyandiamide,dicyandiamidine,dicyanide,dicyanobutylene,di...
acute. 敏锐的;激烈的;尖锐的;严重的 accent. 腔调;地方口音;重音;着重;强调Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun A mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation. Chinese synonyms: 尖音符 Synonyms: acute, agueNew...
acute accent [əˈkju:t ˈæksənt] 中文翻译 1 n. 尖音符号(标在元音上面) 2 [网络] 尖重音符;锐音符;尖音符尖重音 相关单词 acute accent 相关单词辨析 tone, dialect, accent 的区别和用法 这三个名词意思相近,容易混淆。 tone: n.语气,音调,指说话人的口气或声音的高低、轻重等。 ➤...