Acute Abdomen Definition of the Acute Abdomen: The term acute abdomen refers to signs and symptoms of abdominal pain and tenderness, a clinical presentation that often requires emergency surgical therapy. Pain and tenderness result form: Hemorrhage Infection Perforation ...
abdomen straight through to back • Signs, symptoms of hypovolemic shock Pelvic Inflammatory Disease • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes and tissues of the pelvis • Typically lower abdominal or pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting Splenic Trauma ...
Severe, often rapid onset abdominal pain that necessitates prompt evaluation and management characterizes an acute abdomen. Clinically, it may manifest as localized or diffuse pain, peritoneal signs such as guarding and rebound tenderness, hemodynamic instability, and associated symptoms, including nausea,...
When the appendix is retrocecal or retroileal in location, the inflamed appendix is often shielded from the anterior abdomen. The pain is often less pronounced, and localizing signs on physical examination are uncommon. Symptoms and signs of appendicitis in elderly patients are subtle. Pain is oft...
Ultrasonography, the ultimate physical exam of the acute abdomen in pediatricsPhysical ExamAcute Abdomendoi:10.1007/PL00011851Leonard E. SwischukSpringer-VerlagEmergency RadiologySwischuk LE (2000) Ultrasonography, the ultimate physical exam of the acute abdomen in pediatrics. Merg Ral 7:324–325...
Systemic Review icareunit Physical Examination Appearance and position of patient Vital signs Appearance of abdomen ? Distention ? Hernia ? Scars icareunit Tenderness ? Rigidity ? Masses Bowel sounds Rectal and Pelvic Examination Careful exam of heart, lungs and skin icareunit Physical Examination: The...
She presented stable vital signs with mild tachycardia (BP 132 × 95 mmHg, HR 109, Sat 97 %). Physical examination confirmed that the distended and tender abdomen, and diffuse peritonitis. Abdominal radiography demonstrated the presence of dilated bowel. To proceed with the investigation, a CT ...
Steps in physicalexamination of the acute abdomen. 7. Punch tenderness Costal areaCostovertebral area 8. Special signs 9.External hernias and male genitalia 10. Rectal and pelvicexami-nation mia, tachycardia, tachypnea, and sweatingsugges: major intra-abdominal hemorrhage (eg, ruptured aortic...
Computed tomography demonstrated a right rectus muscle hematoma measuring 8.5×8.5 cm and extending into the lower abdomen and the extraperitoneal space, without active contrast extravasation. Close monitoring of vital signs and hemoglobin hematocrit levels along with supportive care with fluid resuscitation...
Occasionally, a pelvic abscess may be difficult to drain percutaneously and in this situation the options are between antibiotics, drainage of the abscess into the rectum or to proceed to surgical drainage through the abdomen. The decision is influenced by the general condition of the patient. ...