Davenport Acupuncture treats all kinds of ailments with a holistic approach to traditional Western medicine. Your treatment includes intake, diagnosis and treatment plan, acupuncture treatment, and possible herbal, diet, lifestyle recommendations.
Acupuncture Initial Acupuncture Visit Your first office visit will typically take between 60-90 minutes and includes a detailed health history, an extended intake, Q&A, treatment planning, and a customized acupuncture treatment. Follow-Up Visit Visits for established patients are generally 45-60 minutes...
demonstrated to be quite effective. "Markedly effective" was defined as having initial symptoms essentially disappear and their fasting blood-sugar levels drop to below 130mg/dl, and the 24-hour urine-sugar content was reduced by 30% or more compared to the beginning of treatment. For those de...
INITIAL CONSULTATION We value the time we get to spend with you. Come expecting a detailed intake process with questions you have likely never been asked in your primary care physician's office. This enables us to better treat you! Our holistic approach views the body as an integrated sys...
Your initial consultation is free. Come meet us in person and learn more. Fill out the form on ourfree consultationpage if you’d like to come in. Our calendar fills up fast. So don’t wait. Request a free consultation Or, call us at415.377.0854. We’ll be happy to answer any of...
Golden Location 1224 Washington Ave., Suite #40 Golden, CO 80401 303-278-0331 Grand Junction Location 300 Main Street Suite 106 Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-812-3330 NEWPATIENTS: Complete the Online Intake Form (acupuncture, chiropractic, bodywork and reiki) ...
initial intake, in which I shared with Tamryn my reasons for coming for acupuncture treatment. She is expansive in embracing my experience and her observations were very perceptive and made me think of some of my past experiences in a different way. Some of her observations were subtle and on...
1. Low Fiber Intake Fiber is essential for digestive health as it adds bulk to stool and helps it move more easily through the intestines. A diet low in fiber, often due to excessive consumption of processed foods, can lead to constipation. Incorporating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains...
Rigorous intake Participation in your own Health Needling The Calming Effect Insurance What to wear Rates RIGOUROUS INTAKEis a key aspect of my practice. In our initial assessment we explore your health history, and dive into the day-to-day operations of your body, your mind, and your spirit...
Secondary outcome measures included the number of days with migraine (migraine days), average headache severity, and medication intake every 4 weeks within 24 weeks. In addition, migraine-specific quality-of-life questionnaire (MSQ), and pain-related impairment of emotion (the Zung self-rating ...