Sherman, Lisa
Patients receive Chinese acupuncture treatment around the world---Chinese President Xi Jinping presented a bronze acupuncture statue on Jan. 18, 2017 to the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, which shows acupuncture points on the hum
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends in acupuncture and related fields with HealthCMi's News section. Our expert contributors provide insightful analysis and commentary on the most important topics in healthcare today.
These studies, and the resulting media coverage, can serve was a wake-up call to the OM community, alerting us that we need to be more proactive in our public education efforts and rethink some long-held beliefs regarding the efficacy of traditional theories. In the News In the last few...
needle itself, but Ancient acupuncture in the eyes of a French girl 法国人眼中的古法针灸 重庆 袁 泉 主题语境:传播中国传统文化 篇幅:377词 建议用时:7分钟维多利亚·李·巴鲁福洛找到了一种健康的解决偏头痛的方法——针灸。作为针灸的倡导者,她强烈建议大家深入研究针灸的世界。38 ...
"In the past four decades, Chinese acupuncturists have made great contribution to pushing acupuncture into legislation and raising the awareness of the ancient Chinese healing method among American public," said Jun Hu, president of AACMA.
Acupuncture Today is a leading provider of acupuncture and oriental medicine news, info and research information in the world
Discover the top 10 benefits of acupuncture therapy for stress relief in 2024. Learn how acupuncture can improve your well-being and reduce stress.
"I'm confident in the future of acupuncture," said Michelle Lau, president of the American Alliance of Acupuncture. As more and more people turn to acupuncture to seek pain relief, they will recognize the efficacy of the treatment, she said. ...
By inserting tiny, hair-thin needles into specific points in the body, known as acupoints, the body’s natural healing response will be triggered, thereby achieving the therapeutic effect.