This pressure is applied to the same points on the body as acupuncture needles would be placed. When proper energy flow is restored, the body returns to balance. It is when the body becomes out of balance that disease and dis-ease can set in. Acupressure Points for Pain Relief and Other ...
When it comes to acupressure points for treating earache. Find this point on the side of your head one cuns away from the ear, that forms a straight line from the middle of the earlobe. If you activate this point you will solve a lot of problems such as a headache and tinnitus. It o...
Labor PainAcupuncture PointsSP 6Acupressurelight touchWomen were randomised to receive either acupressure (n=71), light touch (n=71) or standard care (n=70). Women assigned to acupressure received acupressure to acupoint SP6 during each contraction, for a period of up to 30 min; which was ...
& Anxiety Relief Video 2: Acupressure Meridian Points Video 3: Acupressure’s Top Questions Video 4: 7 Principles of Acupressure Acupressure Online Trainings These programs, personally taught by Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D., make it easy for you to learn and use Acupressure. Deepen your personal an...
BL-60, LV-3 and L1-4 are specific acupressure points for LBP relief. It advises an athletic therapist or patient to press and hold or massage downward on the specific point. It also cites two areas that can provide general pain relief.Hendrich...
Acupressure Mat, also known as an acupuncture mat, is an excellent tool for achieving body and mind balance, reducing stress, relaxing muscles, and enhancing overall health. It combines ancient wisdom with modern science to offer you a brand-new healing experience. Key Points:Holistic H...
Points, Pain Relief & Sedation point, Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Points, Anxiety & Panic, Sense Organs, Women’s Issues & Menopause, 8 Influential Points, Moxa, Akabane, Headaches, Lower Back & Sciatica, Ginger Compresses, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Experience Points & Homeostatic & Immune Points....
How to get rid of a runny or stuffy nose using acupressure-based pressure points. Are you sick with the flu, a sinus infection, a common cold, or some other kind of illness that has given you a stuff or runny nose all day? The good news is that acupressure points for a stuffy or ...
One can follow natural remedies to relieve Knee Joint Pain. Let us filter down to one of the famous and efficient Reflexology treatment for knee pain. But, what constitutes reflexology treatment? Reflexology treatment serves to press and massage some pressure points located in the body so as to...
The LI4 acupressure meridian is located on your hand between the thumb and forefinger and has been used for thousands of years as one of the most effective acupressure points for immediate tension relief and restoring your body's natural flow of energy and relieves headaches & tension. ...