En una suerte de autopsia del “Acuerdo de Facilidades Extendidas” firmado con el gobierno de Alberto Fernández, el organismo dijo que el programa pecó de gradualista y alimentó más la inflación, pero denunció tambié...
No significant differences were found regarding the level of severity of cranioencephalic trauma.Rincón Barreto, Dubis MarcelaAcosta Barreto, María RocíoFajardo Tejada, Diana MilenaRevista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales
ROS, JERNIMOMORALES, JENNIFEROPERA - Observatorio de Políticas, Ejecución y Resultados de la Administración Pública
Despite its great importance, its legal nature, its obligatory nature and its scope seem to be unclear, in such a way that, one of the main key elements of the Paris Agreement, remains in a legal and operational uncertainty. That is why this study tries to shed light on ...
In conclusion, it is necessary to implement these chapters with an expanded security approach, but also combined with traditional security in a limited way, without overlapping each other, to avoid further violence in the territories.Farfán Moreno, WilliamRevista Colombiana de Cienci...
Derecho Internacional Humanitario y COVID-19 en Colombia: la construcción de paz en el posacuerdo y la pospandemiadoi:10.30854/anf.v29.n53.2022.899COLOMBIAHUMANITARIAN lawWARCOVID-19 pandemicPEACEPEACE treatiesCOVID-19PEACEBUILDINGEXERCISEObjective: to analyze the ...
Council, recognizes the international legal personality -and the consequent legitimacy- of the Polisario Front to file an appeal before the jurisdictional instances of the eu, affirms its direct and individual concern to the questioned decision and avoids the obstacles put by the...
The study allows concluding the emerging responsibility of architecture in the transitional process of peace building in Colombia and the need to design tools for its effective contribution to this process.Diaz Diaz, FreddyBitácora Urbano/Territorial...
Findings illuminate views on reconciliation based on the construction of social relations that promote different national scenarios than those left by the Colombian conflict.Sanandres, ElianaMolinares-Guerrero, IvonneAmericanía. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos...
With the adoption in 2015 of the Paris Agreement on climate change, a new model is established that seeks a more effective fight against climate change. In this way, the bottom-up approach that is enshrined through the technique of Determined Contributions at the Nati...