The film is scary in the same way films like Scream or Halloween are scary. Horror fans will undoubtedly love the movie, but others might find it too frightening to be considered enjoyable. As such, whether the film is actually scary solely depends on the opinion of the viewer. ...
skip to main content the new actually scary trailer: boy anyone out there really unsettled by creepy kids in movies? then turn away now. save save anyone out there really unsettled by creepy kids in movies? then turn away now, because boy looks like an even more disturbing take on the ...
Everyone remembers the first time a horror movie made them feel physically ill. (For yours truly, it wasParanormal Activity.) Maybe you didn’tactuallyfaint or vomit or have a dread-induced panic attack, but you remember the feeling nevertheless. Or maybe, against your own self control, you ...
One of the most ubiquitous features of scary movies is the “jump scare.” The hero barely manages to escape from the clutches of a knife-wielding maniac/eldritch horror from beyond the stars/murderous leprechaun, and breathes a deep sigh of relief. The music is minimal, perhaps it disappears...
Why not arrange a trip to visit the real-life locations where your favorite horror movie was shot? While many scary flicks are filmed on sets, some use real places for their backdrops—locales that often possess their own spooky history every bit as ominous as what ended up on the silver ...
Mind-blowing facts about bats, wolves, snakes, spiders and ravens from wildlife expert Peter Gros, co-host of Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom Protecting the Wild
Any dedicated horror fan knows that many of the best scary movies out there are loathed by film critics. But here atThe Lineup, some of the most devastating pans (“it’s gross,”“it’s pure sadism”) are the highest compliments! Revel in these terribly reviewed, and terribly terrific...
Star Wars is many things to legions of fans, but “scary” isn’t one of them. At least, not at first blush. Throughout all nine films in the Skywalker Saga — and the other live-action Star Wars stories surrounding it — George Lucas’ most popular creation never shied away from ...
There are certainly some scary moments in those movies, it's just not enough for them to add up to what we call horror. How were the other movies placed? You'll have to watch the full video to find out!Read more about: Horror Movies Original Video ...
Also ranks #2 onHorror Villains Who Actually Deserve Our Sympathy Also ranks #4 onPop Culture Icons Who Should Be In 'Mortal Kombat 12' Also ranks #5 on15 Supposedly Scary Movie Monsters Any Idiot Could Have Easily Defeated 251 votes ...