Premiered: October 28, 2011 Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Horror,Thriller Dig Deeper The Best 'Grimm' Seasons, Ranked By Fans Also ranks #3 on These Occult Detective Shows Are On The (Scary) Case 5 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon, Alyson Hannigan 647 votes Is Buffy...
In the game, you have to both track down the Potato Man and escape his wrath, and the game's setup can be legitimately scary. The house you're in is dark, random noises and jump-scares increase the tension, and the Potato Man himself is just plain unsettling. He looks like Mr. Pota...
and the whole incident must have been over in about 20 seconds, yet, even now, a couple of weeks after the event in question, my heart is racing and I feel the horror unlike
year and to date it is one of the best things I've received. There are few things as satisfying as getting truly lost in the pages of a good book — and it'll provide for a great distraction for the mind if your pal has recently been watching something super scary (ahem, the news...