Alas, sometimes it's no easy task to find a good horror movie. Beware of the many disappointing scary movies out there, because not all of them deserve your time, and even fewer of them will truly, truly scare you. Forget thrillers, action movies or other genres with high levels of int...
One of the most ubiquitous features of scary movies is the “jump scare.” The hero barely manages to escape from the clutches of a knife-wielding maniac/eldritch horror from beyond the stars/murderous leprechaun, and breathes a deep sigh of relief. The music is minimal, perhaps it disappears...
skip to main content the new actually scary trailer: boy anyone out there really unsettled by creepy kids in movies? then turn away now. save save anyone out there really unsettled by creepy kids in movies? then turn away now, because boy looks like an even more disturbing take on the ...
How about some fun facts about the frightening creatures that fill your favorite spooky books and movies from childhood—like bats, wolves, snakes, spiders, and (ooh!) ravens. Spoiler: These animals are not too scary at all it turns out, but they are pretty incredible. ...
thought it was all real. There are movies that are not necessarily intended to be scary or are categorized in that genre, but for whatever reason they don't sit right with us when we watch them. In fact, they end up being terrifying and sometimes even traumatizing like these for example...
Far and away one of the most depressing comedy trends of the early 21st century was a sudden and largely abysmal wave of spoof movies, spurred by the huge financial success of theScary Moviefranchise. Many of these supposed comedies were written and/or directed byScary Moviealums Jason Friedber...
A good dumb comedy movie can be just the tonic you need after a long and tiring day. They allow us to switch off our brains and simply enjoy whatever silly amusements they have in store for us. While there have been plenty of stupid movies that we get a few giggles from and then for...
A scary scene might be the 25th take, for example, so all the actors are actually tired, bored, and hungry rather than frightened. Same goes with steamy sex scenes. What sizzles on the screen might be a dud in real life, especially if the two actors have no chemistry, or worse, ...
It does touch to some cautionary tale-like themes about the safety of children (though it’s too scary for kids under 12).The thing I loved most was how they crafted the Santa Claus conspiracy, it titters between a fictionalized conspiracy, myth and reality that makes you almost think,”...
Also ranks #5 on15 Supposedly Scary Movie Monsters Any Idiot Could Have Easily Defeated 251 votes Still feel bad? See what is ranked #1 12 Movie Antagonists Who Are Secretly The Protagonist Vote 11 Erik Killmonger In 'Black Panther'