Alas, sometimes it's no easy task to find a good horror movie. Beware of the many disappointing scary movies out there, because not all of them deserve your time, and even fewer of them will truly, truly scare you. Forget thrillers, action movies or other genres with high levels of int...
The movies that fit into the genre of elevated horror often describe themselves as “about trauma” in some way. That’s basically what any horror movie is about, but these wear their psychological influences on their sleeve, playing up the trauma, whether it’s generational, sexual, or somet...
It feels churlish to include tongue-in-cheek movies here, but, given that contemporaneous reviews seemed to miss the point, we'll give it a spot here. A Roger Corman cheapie carefully calculated to pull in some of that sweetJawsmoney, the goofy B-horror classic is all in good fun—a ...
and he was also a trained martial artist, ensuring that all of the action scenes were well done, and the fighting always looked awesome. The blood-rave scene alone makes it one of the greatest horror comic book movies – complete with a New Order techno remix and ...
throughout the film, it's not until their final meeting that he realizes he's been fighting Peter Parker this entire time. This realization leads the good doctor to realize the error of his ways, and he sacrifices himself to pull the nuclear reactor into the river before it can blow up....
Based on a true story. It's a tagline sure to attract curious viewers to any movie making the claim, but horror movies supposedly based on true stories ...
One of my worst sex nightmares is breaking someone’s penis. The cracking sound, the discoloration, and, most likely, the screams are the stuff of horror movies. If you share this nightmare, or if you’re just morbidly curious, you may have wondered how such a thing can happen. Because...
After the jump, we’ve collected ten films (in chronological order) from 3D’s 50-plus year history that were actually good films—and that put the technology to worthwhile use. House of Wax This horror classic with Vincent Price got a fair share of attention last year, when Martin ...
Mind-blowing facts about bats, wolves, snakes, spiders and ravens from wildlife expert Peter Gros, co-host of Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom Protecting the Wild
It’s a good thing Michael Myers doesn’t read his reviews–if he did, he might have a bone or two to pick with these critics. Nearly all of them acknowledge the first movie as a masterpiece but could do without the sequel. “Halloween IIis a retread ofHalloweenwithout that movie’s ...