The Shroud of Turin was an unknown relic before the year 1898. But in 1898 it became world famous when it was photographed for the first time. The 1898 first photo of the Shroud of Turin showed a clear photo of a noble looking man, like the picture above, and it made World headlines....
UPDATE: Once the Church inspired the young with noble models like St. Dominic Savio and his motto “Death rather than sin.” Now we have… whatever the hell this “Luce” thing is. Infantilizing the young with a dumbed down version of Catholicism does them a
their flight after Jesus’ arrest, Peter’s denial, the failure of Christ to work miracles in Galilee, the references of some auditors to his possible insanity, his early uncertainty
While I am of Jewish descent, I also recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah. At what point would I cease to consider myself a Jew and see myself as only Christian? Redditor u/Emragoolio answered: Theologian here. The answer to question is: Well, that depends. Christian and Jewish ...
A guy takes a picture of Sabrina’s butt while inside an elevator. HE DEFINITELY DESERVES TO DIE. In response to this transgression, Sabrina sticks the guy’s tie out of the elevator as the doors close. Meanwhile, he’s pleading for his life. ...
The Triune Being Jesus Christ made great moment about that two thousand years ago. Most people didn't get it and still don't, victims of the Mentallized Illusion. The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is the largest living Atom in Creation. Their Soul Atom children in abundance are the...