"the Danes, who spread terror and upheaval wheresoever they went, plundering and burning and desolating the country with such rapidity," caused "a great commotion in England." When Aethelred was told in 1002 CE that the Vikings "would beshrew him of his life, and afterwa...
Do the Normans descend from the Vikings? Are there still bodies in Pompeii? Did Incas mummify their dead? Was Scotland conquered by Plantagenet kings? Was Henry Tudor a Plantagenet? Did King Henry VIII kill all his wives? Are najas real? Provide some history about them. ...
The museum really works to paint the long, long history of the site. Before the Romans showed up in 43 and built a big ole’ temple/spa complex on top, the hot springs had long been a pilgrimage site for the peoples of Britain. Which means that the museum has all sorts of artifacts...
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Godwin May Have Had A Hand In The Demise Of One Of Aethelred's Sons Godwin's role as an adviser, observer, and manipulator inVikings: Valhallaattests to the power and influence he had during the 11th century. Believed to be the son of Wulfnoth Cild of Wessex, Godwin...