For an analysis of the dollar trends in December, see "December Caps Off Banner Year for Comics." For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond U.S. from comic specialty stores on graphic novels shipped during December, see "Top 100 Graphic Novel Actual--December 2007." Top 300 Comics--De...
However,Colossians 1:16,20,21says God will ‘reconcile all things to Himself . . . whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross’. But how does that apply to non-elect humans, fallen angels, hell and the resurrected wicked dead? Henry H...
Two types of Soul Atom Children of the Creators exist, Ascendant Beings, also called Evolutionary or the Ascendancy, and Descendant Beings, also called the Descendancy which you call Angels. Descendant Beings fulfill the administrative roles of Creation, Evolutionaries are their responsibility. Evolutio...