It is a specific value that is independent of gas properties and compressor inlet conditions. It may be given on a wet (water vapor included) or dry basis. The basis used for a particular application may not be correctly communicated to the compressor manufacturer and can result in an ...
simply the ratioofactualvaporpressuretothe saturation vapor pressure at a given temperature. 即在给定 温度下,相对湿度是实际蒸汽压力与饱和蒸汽压力之比。 The dimensionless ratio oftheactualvaporpressureofthe air to the saturation vapor ...
These corrections must, therefore, be made to assure that the blower furnished will provide the proper amount of oxygen or other elements for the process to function properly. The formula below is strictly for ambient air, if another gas is required, additional considerations are required. ...
On the other hand, the actual evaporation is the amount of water which is evaporated a normal day. The potential evaporation is the maximum value of the actual evaporation. Transpiration is included by the vaporization of liquid water contained in plant tissues and ...
Actual evapotranspiration (ET) is a major component of the water balance. While several international flux measurement programs have been executed in the tropical rain forest of the Amazon, those measurements represent the evaporative process at a few selected sites only. The aim of this study is ...
Actual evapotranspiration (ET) is a major component of the water balance. While several international flux measurement programs have been executed in the tropical rain forest of the Amazon, those measurements represent the evaporative process at a few se
For each pixel, SEBAL is utilized for calculating a full radiation and energy balance together with the momentum and water vapor resistance using ERDAS IMAGINE software. The SEBAL algorithm derived ET was estimated using a sequence of Rn, G and, H computations [34] as shown in Fig. 2. It ...
assimilation rate occurred in wintertime. Results show that soil water content is a major driver of GPP and RE, defining their seasonal patterns and the annual carbon assimilation capacity of the ecosystem, and also modulating the effect that solar radiation and air temperature have on NEE ...
transmittance of water vapor absorption W amount of precipitable water in a vertical column from surface (cm) X 0 total amount of ozone in a slanted path (cm) X W total amount of precipitable in a slanted path (cm) c hillside slope (in degrees) ...
in one brain does not inevitably mean that other brains will share this event. Dror and Hamard’s (2009) argument is that one should not separate cognitive states from mental states. This criticism raises a core problem for the notion of ‘Distributed Cognition’, because it implies that ...