事奉中的死和自由 雅各殉道,彼得靠禱告得自由 12:1那時,希律王下手苦害教會中幾個人。 12:2用刀殺了約翰的哥哥雅各。 12:3他見猶太人喜歡這事,又去捉拿彼得。 那時正是除酵的日子。 12:4希律拿了彼得收在監裏, 交付四班兵丁看守,每班四個人, 意思要在逾越節後,把他提出來,當著百姓辦他。 12:5于是...
事奉中的死和自由 雅各殉道,彼得靠祷告得自由 12:1那时,希律王下手苦害教会中几个人。 12:2用刀杀了约翰的哥哥雅各。 12:3他见犹太人喜欢这事,又去捉拿彼得。 那时正是除酵的日子。 12:4希律拿了彼得收在监里, 交付四班兵丁看守,每班四个人, 意思要在逾越节后,把他提出来,当着百姓办他。 12:5于是...
Verse (Click for Chapter) New International VersionWhen he saw that this met with approval among the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Festival of Unleavened Bread.New Living TranslationWhen Herod saw how much this pleased the Jewish people, he also arrested Peter...
8:11他们听从他,因他久用邪术,使他们惊奇。 8:12及至他们信了腓利所传神国的福音, 和耶稣基督的名,连男带女就受了洗。 8:13西门自己也信了。既受了洗,就常与腓利在一处。 看见他所行的神迹和大异能,就甚惊奇。 彼得叫人受圣灵和西门被斥责 8:14使徒在耶路撒冷,听见撒玛利亚人领受了神的道, 就打发彼...
众人都惧怕。使徒又行了许多奇事神迹。 2:44信的人都在一处,凡物公用。 2:45并且卖了田产、家业, 照各人所需用的分给各人。 2:46他们天天同心合意,恒切地在殿里, 且在家中掰饼,存着欢喜、诚实的心用饭, 2:47赞美神,得众民的喜爱。 主将得救的人天天加给他们。
Chapter 2: Historical Exegesis in the Acts of the Apostlesdoi:10.1515/9783110362008.45Benjamin Sargent
1:26 And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles. Comments: I read about an interesting way to introduce the idea of casting lots for the final decision on the new apostle. Number your bulletins in an inconspicuous place. Then, ...
The interrelationship of theology, history and literary artistry in Acts : from a canonical reader's perspective Broadly, the objective of this dissertation is to contribute to the ongoing studies on the biblical theology of the Acts of the Apostles. CHAPTER ONE examines the canonical critical appro...
That brief speech was recorded by the physician Luke in the 17th chapter of Acts the historical book Acts of Apostles. 这个简短的演讲由路加医生记录下来,载于历史书使徒行传第17章里。 jw2019 Chapters 13 and 14 of the Acts of Apostles describe a visit of Paul and Barnabas to the southern...
Chapter 2 The descent of the Holy Spirit at the day of Pentecost.(1-4)The apostles speak in divers languages.(5-13)Peter's address to the Jews.(14-36)Three thousand souls converted.(37-41)The piety and affection of the disciples.(42-47) ...