The meaning of ACTS is a book in the New Testament narrating the beginnings of the Christian church —called also Acts of the Apostles.
根据第一段“What acts of kindness will make us the happiest, and who tends to benefit the most? A newly-published review of decades of kindness research provides some answers.”(什么样的善举最让我们开心?谁最会因此受益?一个关于持续了几十年的善举调查的评论提供了一些回答。)也可推测出第二段...
acts of kindness Actsofkindness Whatwouldyoudoifyouwantedtomakeadiffferenceintheworld--theworldinwhitchsomanypeopleneedofhelpandcare.weshouldbelievethatapersonwhogivesgreatservicealsogetsgreatreturn.weshouldbelievethecapacitytocareisthethingthatgiveslifeitsdeepestmeaningandsignificance.Smallthingscanoften...
D.Doingactofkindnesstoothersimprovesourabilities.(2)Howdidtheresearchersgetthefinding? ___A.Bydoingsurveys.B.Bycarryingoutexperiments.C.Bycomparingresearchdata.D.Byanalyzingresultsofarticles.(3)Whydoesbeingkindgivepeopleasenseofmeaningandpurposeinlife? ___A.Becauseitmakespeoplehealthier.B.Becauseitboosts...
acts of kindness.ppt,Acts of kindness * * For example What would you do if you wanted to make a diffference in the world--the world in whitch so many people need of help and care. we should believe that a person who gives great service also gets great re
05 Acts of KindnessQuestions 1.discussions 1.1Manypeoplebelieve that a person who gives great service also gets great returns.Do you agree or disagree?Why? Iagree. It is obvious to everybody that the only way to achieve one's goal is to work hard. Just as the old saying goes "nopains...
24.C 题。 第二 "The journey was filled with. . . moved to tears by the man's kindness and generosity"可知,Zwick和需要特殊医疗护理的女儿搭乘飞机的经济舱,她 们带了很多医疗设备,Zwick充满焦虑,一位头等舱的乘客主 动跟Zwick换座 ,这让Zwick非常感动。 25.B 细节理解题。 根据第三段的"In the...
The idea of kindness, however, depends on the perception of the individual. Since students come from different backgrounds and have various life experiences, what may seem kind to one student may take on a totally different meaning to another. ...
He helped drive him home.Why did Bonecutter decide to do 143 acts of kindness? The number "143" has a special meaning for him. It was another way that Mr Rogers would say "I love you". Mr Rogers is one of Bonecutter's heroes. Each number represents(代表) the number of the ...
Acts of kindness are wonderful in so many ways. They___the recipient and they're also a great reminder of all the___acts that are taking place in the world. With the media full of COVID-19-related___, these selfless acts are increasingly important. This was just the case when Steve...