Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary of the New Testament Plus 21 entries Study Bibles CSB Tony Evans Study Bible Plus 12 entries ESV Global Study Bible Plus 26 entries ESV Reformation Study Bible 14 entries King James Study Bible Notes Plus 32 entries NASB Charles F. Stanley Life Pr...
It is with some trepidation that any student of the New Testament dares to make an observation that cannot, apparently, be found in any commentary to date, and particularly so in the perilous field of intertextuality. Nevertheless, this paper outlines the case for a hitherto unnoticed Jacob–Esa...
IVP New Testament Commentary Series IVP New Testament Commentaries are made available by the generosity of InterVarsity Press. 6 entries for 使徒行傳 16:16-16:40 THE CHURCH IN ALL NATIONS: PAUL'S MISSIONARY JOURNEYS (13:1â21:16) Expand The Second Missionary Jou...
to speak deceitfully A commentary or explanation A writer of commentaries, or a spin-doctor A flattering parasite In a barn which is divided into bays by internal projections from the walls, a goff is the amount of grain which will fir into one of the bays The relationship of God-parent ...
Pulpit Commentary Acts 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Verse 1.- Was now comeforwas fully come, A.V.;all togetherforwith one accord, A.V. and T.R.When the day of Pentecost was now come; literally,when the day of ...
(Comp. also Acts 9:34.) Thy holy child Jesus.--Better, as before, Servant. (See Note on Acts 3:13.) Pulpit CommentaryVerse 30. - While thou stretchest for by stretching, A.V.; thy for thine, A.V.; through for by, A.V.; Servant for child, A.V., as in ver. 27 and ...
and there are a number of conventional genre indicators that are used with certain variations across the news media organizations: leder (editorial), klumme (column), analyse (analysis), reportage (reportage), kommentar (commentary), nyhedsbrev (newsletter), interview (interview), anmeldelse (revie...
PossPhil pp. 35 and 255–59 (translation and commentary ofBeilageXXIII by Merleau-Ponty). 172. Ideas IIp. 287. 173. CM §53, p 117. 174. Recherches sur l’usage littéraire du langage: Cours au Collège de France. Notes, 1953, eds. B. Zaccarello and E. de Saint Aubert (Métis...
The Christ-Honoring Commentary Series–The Book of Genesis–pgs. 193-196–James W. Knox THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS IS GIVING Christmas is a time for giving. God’s gift is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable- truly a “changeless Christ, in a changing world.”“For God so loved the ...
Matthew Henry's Commentary 5 entries for 使徒行傳 13 Chapter 13 Chapter 13 We have not yet met with any things concerning the spreading of the gospel to the... Verses 1–3 Verses 1-3 We have here a divine warrant and commission to Barnabas and Saul to go and preach......