Acts 13:17-22. An introduction very wisely prefixed to prepare the minds of the Jews, giving the historical basis of the subsequent announcement that the Messiah has appeared, and carried down to David, the royal Messianic ancestor and type; the leading thought of which is notthe free grace...
18. It seems best to treat this verse and the following, which break the connexion of St Peter’s remarks on David’s prophecies, as no part of the Apostle’s speech on the election of Matthias. St Luke most likely derived the words from St Peter, from whom he no doubt gathered the...
"out of the midst of thee"; but as these phrases are synonymous, the apostle here only retains one of them, which suggests that this prophet, the Messiah, should be of Jewish extract; as Jesus was, of the seed of David, and a son of Abraham: ...
4.(13)从帕弗到别加。 保罗和他的同人从帕弗开船,来到旁非利亚的别加,约翰就离开他们,回耶路撒冷去。 a. 保罗和他的同人从帕弗开船:宣教团队现在被描述为“保罗和他的同人。”之前 – 就在使徒行传13:7 – 这个团队被描述为巴拿巴和扫罗。从这时开始,保罗的领导力和突出地位将会显而易见。 b. 来到……别...
c. 解送囚犯,不指明他的罪案是不合理的:保罗是如此无辜,以至于非斯都无法描述或指明对他的指控。 Bible Commentary by David Guzik
THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Commentary by David Brown INTRODUCTION This book is to the Gospels what the fruit is to the tree that bears it. In the Gospels we see the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying: in the Acts we see it bringing forth much fruit (Joh 12:24). There...
彼得讲道的对象,这些犹太人也是如此。他们对弥赛亚有特定的期待,但神想要给他们的更伟大。他们寻找的是一个政治和军事上的弥赛亚,而不是把每个人从罪孽中救赎出来的那一位。这表明了我们从神那里期待正确的事物是多么重要。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik–
v. 我们也应该看到哥尼流无疑是个好人; 但他需要耶稣。即使是尊重神的善良的人,仍然需要来到耶稣面前,认祂为他们的主宰和救主,并且完全相信耶稣的身份以及祂为他们所做的。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik–
b. 但百夫长要救保罗,不准他们任意而行:神藉这个罗马百夫长施恩给保罗,这恩惠使得保罗和所有被掳的人都得以存活。 – 为了实现对保罗的应许,并且与你同船的人,神都赐给你了(徒27:24)。神的话从未落空。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik–
是的,用英语说:你是个胆小鬼。如果有人叫你,你就脸红; 或许你在其他方面都不是胆小鬼。多么可耻的事情是,当你为其他一切都大胆却为耶稣基督懦弱的时候,这是一件多么可耻的事情。向世界勇敢,对基督胆小!“ (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik–