merely mentioned one single incident in the suicide’s fate, while St Luke, because his purpose seemed to ask it, has described the death of Judas in such wise as to shew that his destruction was as terrible as anything of which David had spoken in the Psalms to which St Peter had ...
"out of the midst of thee"; but as these phrases are synonymous, the apostle here only retains one of them, which suggests that this prophet, the Messiah, should be of Jewish extract; as Jesus was, of the seed of David, and a son of Abraham: ...
Acts 13:17-22. An introduction very wisely prefixed to prepare the minds of the Jews, giving the historical basis of the subsequent announcement that the Messiah has appeared, and carried down to David, the royal Messianic ancestor and type; the leading thought of which is notthe free grace...
As David said to the high priests at Nob, when he was told that Goliath’s sword was hid behind the ephod, ‘Give me that. There is none like it.’ It was not miracles, it was the Gospel that was preached, which was ‘the power of God unto salvation.’ And that message was ...
c. 解送囚犯,不指明他的罪案是不合理的:保罗是如此无辜,以至于非斯都无法描述或指明对他的指控。 Bible Commentary by David Guzik
vii. 此外,根据响应的大小来判断信息的内容是危险的。 “福音没有在那里生根的原因可能更多地与雅典人自己的态度有关,而不是保罗讲道的方式或他说的话。”(朗格里克) (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik–
[Bengel]. To prove to them merely that Jesus was the Messiah might have left them all unchanged in heart. But to convince them that He whom they had crucified had been by the right hand of God exalted, and constituted the "Lord" whom David in spirit adored, to whom every knee shall ...
ii. “真正的基督徒的幸福远远超出了地上的骚动所能触及的,它不受世俗事物所面临的变化和几率的影响。殉道者们在火焰中比他们的迫害者们躺在羽绒的床上更加幸福。“(克拉克) (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik–
• 西拉转交了彼得的一封书信(彼前5:12),也可能写了保罗的一些书信(帖后1:1; 帖后2:1)。 f. 坚固众教会:这是保罗除了传福音之外的工作。新基督徒需要强大的教会来成长和成熟。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik–
v. 我们也应该看到哥尼流无疑是个好人; 但他需要耶稣。即使是尊重神的善良的人,仍然需要来到耶稣面前,认祂为他们的主宰和救主,并且完全相信耶稣的身份以及祂为他们所做的。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik–