once with a corn kernel and the right amount of cabbage, so the soup tastes great. About half a month or so, you will find that the simple white vegetable soup has a good skin effect. {page_break}
In fact, I have a strange confession to make: when I was a wee lad, I was scared of her. Yeah. Not that she is unattractive, for from it, but I couldn’t stand her piercing gaze, from these astonishing dark eyes which gave the impression of hiding a deeply disturbed soul. Check o...
for now, she has chosen to let her work do the talking, and it’s hard to imagine a role that better addresses the contemporary female experience than her star turn in assassination nation, in theaters this fall. the film is a modern reimagining of the salem witch trials, or, as nef ...
Halloween Kills is a real chaotic, unforgiving, relentless and NASTY AS HELL horror movie that pays homage to Carpenter’s original by building on the Haddonfield ethos, creating this timely reminder of the consequence of a witch-hunt whilst also managing to keep the films tension bubbling to ...
Emm a Watson is a British actress, best known for acting Hermione (赫 ) in the Harry Potter films.阅读理解We all know that Hermione is a smart witch. However, few people know that Watson is also a good Watson hid surprises for people on the London Underground-100 copies of a book call...
Still today, Julie remains hard at work. She was part of a Blair Witch Project parody, The Bare Wench Project (and its two sequels!). She directed herself in two movies, Vampire Child and Lingerie Kickboxer, as we can see her affection for B-movies just by reading these titles. Recentl...
“There are a host of spectacularly good comic turns on view here: Alyssa Simon is dead-on as tough-as-nails Molly Hadafew (and her hairpiece—at least I assume it’s a hairpiece—seems to have a life of its own: a great touch).” Martin Denton, nytheatre.com “Gone” “Gone ...
the Witch in Into the Woods, Ulla in The Producers, and Catherine Empanger, a naive nun with Tourette's syndrome in Nice People Dancing to Good Country Music. Julie loves going to classes at the gym with her fierce, kick-ass grandma, margarita nights with her girlfriends, and chilling wi...
The 14th Annual O+ Festival in Kingston, NY this weekend will feature live music from Neko Case, Kate Pierson of The B-52's and many more music and art perfomances over the course of three days. A 25th anniversary screening of the film The Blair Witch Project will also be part of the...
always been my truth. My purpose. My skillset. It hasn’t changed my life, it’s always been my life. The ability to make a good living doing my passion, that my dreams became a reality, is one of my life’s greatest gift. I am in a constant state of gratitude for this ...