Tom Hanks, with his boy-next-door charm and extraordinary acting skill, has become a household name due to performances in films like Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan, for which he won Oscars. With an impressive knack for making even the simplest of roles memorable, Hanks ha...
Reed made her film debut as Cassie in Richard Attenborough's adaptation of "A Chorus Line" with Michael Douglas. After a guest role in an episode of "Matlock," Reed began a prolific television career, appearing on over 50 different shows between 1990 and 2006, when the first "High School...
featured stars include Clara Bow, Lon Chaney, Marion Davies, Douglas Fairbanks, Greta Garbo, John Gilbert, William S. Hart, The Keystone Cops, Tom Mix, Colleen Moore, Pola Negri, Mabel Normand, Mary Pickford, Rin-Tin-Tin, Gloria Swanson, Constance & Norma Talmadge, and Rudolph Valentino "...
Michael Douglas 1. Cast a Giant Shadow (1966) 2. Hail, Hero! (1969) 3. Adam At Six A.M. (1970) 4. Summertree (1971) 5. Napoleon and Samantha (1972) 6. Coma (1978) 7. The China Syndrome (1979) 8. Running (1979) 9. It's My Turn (1980) 10. The Star Chamber (1983) 11...
Douglas Kirkland Self 1 Willow (1988) Katherine McNamara Self 1 Shadowhunters (2016) Kevin Sorbo Self 1 Let There Be Light (I) (2017) Eric Braeden Self 1 The Young and the Restless (1973) Larry Hankin Self 1 El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019) Zach Callison ...
Michael Douglas Self - Guest 1 Behind the Candelabra (2013) Antonio Banderas Self - Guest 1 The Mask of Zorro (1998) Gwyneth Paltrow Self - Guest 1 Shakespeare in Love (1998) Burt Reynolds Self - Guest 1 Boogie Nights (1997) Roseanne Barr Self - Guest 1 Roseanne ...
This was a tough Top 15 to crack…Mel Gibson’s Mad Max and Martin Riggs for the Lethal Weapon movies did NOT make the Top 15….even with $1.15 BILLION in adjusted box office. This page is going to look at the Top 15 Actors in Dual Iconic Roles…..using domestic adjusted box office...
Robin Hood's first starring role came in 1922 with the silent filmRobin Hood.Played by Douglas Fairbanks, Robin Hood begins the film as the Earl of Huntingdon who leaves England to fight in the Crusades but is tempted back when he discovers that the wretched Prince John has stolen the thron...
I love the fact that he comes in and says to Steve Martin at one point "Guess who I had intercourse with last night?" which always makes me smile. 5. Bringing Up Baby (1938) With Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn, I have to stay there. I don't know how people can act that quick...
Ocean's Eleven (Milestone) (as Beatrice Ocean); The Sins of Rachel Cade ( Rachel Cade ) (Gordon Douglas) (title role); The Bramble Bush (Petrie) (as Fran) 1961 A Fever in the Blood (Sherman) (as Cathy Simon) 1962 Rome Adventure ( Lovers Must Learn ) (Daves) (as Lyda); ...