Kirk Douglas, known for more heroic performances, steps into the role of morally bankrupt and devious gangster, Whit Sterling, inOut of the Past. This crime classic follows Jeff Bailey, a gumshoe hired to locate a powerful gangster’s mistress. Throughout the film, Whit proves to be unscrupul...
With 225 films under his belt, Hangal was one the most well known faces of Indian cinema. However, even his fame couldn’t keep the hard times at bay. In the December of his life,Hangal went bankrupt and couldn’t even pay his medical bills! It was only after actors Jaya Bachchan, S...
Of course, as anyone who saw Ryan Murphy'sFeudwill tell you, their peace offering lasted only a hot second. Fights, petty antics, and more allegedly went on throughout filming the movie and continued well after, particularly when only Davis was nominated for an Academy Award for best actress...
look into one eye and stick with it”). But there’s nothing by-the-book about his performances – melancholy, hilarious, spiky or charming. Who else could hold their own against Sean Connery, Steve MartinandKermit
One of the most debated names at the time wasPenn Badgley, who by 2007 rose to fame playing Dan Humphrey in the teen dramaGossip Girl. Badgley went head-to-head with Paul in the auditions for the role, although the latter ultimately ended up scoring the part. Eventually, the star of th...