Cursed isa near top-to-bottom reinvention of the King Arthur tale, which made the "Lady of the Lake" Nimue (Katherine Langford) the main character. In the Netflix show, Arthur (Devon Terrell) is a mercenary who goes on something of a road trip with Nimue, with the two forming a roman...
Also ranks #19 on The Best Actors Who Played Batman Villains On Film 54 Derek Jacobi Gladiator, The King's Speech, The Secret of NIMH 693 votes Derek Jacobi is an acclaimed British actor, notable for his illustrious career spanning over six decades. Born in Leytonstone, London in 1938 to...
A fateful meeting while shooting her film debut, the serial killer drama "Tenderness of the Wolves" (1973), brought her to the attention of the film's producer, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, who subsequently cast her in a pair of movies he directed. In the first, she played a supporting role...
It's still, I think, the best King Kong. 2. High Noon (1952) Then, my next favorite film is Gary Cooper's High Noon. Here we're talking about the one man against many, having to stand alone. And what sticks with me about that movie is that the woman that he loved, who was ...
Every artist who has appeared on the Billboard Hot 100 has played a part in the history of popular music, but some leading men and women have had special roles on the singles chart.
Aquaman is about the titular character, played by Jason Momoa. He also goes by Arthur and is half-human, half-sea creature with superhuman abilities. The first film was a surprise success, raking in over $1 billion at the global box office. In the sequel, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom...
Here they are, the best20 Actors Who Have Played Multiple Comic Book Characters… 20. Josh Hartnett 2005’sSin Citywas a visual masterpiece, like a comic book come to life. It was directed by the creator of the Dark Horse Comics series of the same name, Frank Miller, along with Robert...
Author Hoey is the son of the actor who played LeStrade in Universal's Sherlock Holmes films, 1942-46; the book chronicles the 68 members of the revolving 'repertory company' at Universal Studios used by director Roy William Neill and others BearManor Media 9x6 pb [8/2011] for $19.95 ...
From Tim Allen to Brian Cox, David Harbour to J.K. Simmons, a look at who has portrayed (or voiced) Saint Nick onscreen.
Dennis Quaid plays the late Jerry Lee Lewis in this 1989 film about the music star’s rise to rock-and-roll fame – and his incestuous and highly controversial marriage to his cousin, played by Winona Ryder, – who was just 13-years old at the ...