Actors Who Played Classic TV Characters In Movies - And Nailed It Vote Jodie Sweetin Finding Santa, Entertaining Christmas Jodie Sweetin is a delightful actress known for her engaging roles in a variety of Hallmark movies, such as Finding Santa and Love Under the Rainbow. Jodie's radiant smi...
Also ranks #13 on Actors Who've Played Multiple Comic Characters 11 Maggie Q Nikita, Live Free or Die Hard, Divergent 208 votes Maggie Q is an actress and producer who has captivated audiences worldwide with her fierce and powerful performances. She gained recognition for her lead role in th...
Chris Evans belongs to a rare group of actors who have played more than one fairly high-profile comic book character. It goes without saying that he’s currently the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Captain America, having played Cap in two (soon to be three with this year’sCaptain America: C...
Your mind is going to be blown by these 55 TV actors that were recast on some of your favorite shows including Friends, Game of Thrones, and Boy Meets World.
in the same house where they would be filming. The actress who played their daughter, Frankie, was also invited for the domestic trial. Up until this point, Gosling and Williams had only been filming the scenes from the rosy beginnings of Dean and Cindy’s relationship. “During the month,...
Not every actor attached to the project felt the film had been a failure, at least in terms of the audience demographic it was aiming to cater to. Joel Kinnaman, who played Rick Flag in the movie, stated that he feltSuicide Squadhad been unfairly judged by film critics. “I can't reme...
in the same house where they would be filming. The actress who played their daughter, Frankie, was also invited for the domestic trial. Up until this point, Gosling and Williams had only been filming the scenes from the rosy beginnings of Dean and Cindy’s relationship. “During the month,...
in the same house where they would be filming. The actress who played their daughter, Frankie, was also invited for the domestic trial. Up until this point, Gosling and Williams had only been filming the scenes from the rosy beginnings of Dean and Cindy’s relationship. “During the month,...
Dennis Hopper'scareer dates back to the 1950s. He was an actor and filmmaker who was at the forefront of the new way of making movies in the late 1960s. Hopper directed the cult classicEasy Rider.But as his career went on as an actor, he always played somewhat loose-canon, crazy cha...
"I remember meeting Martin Scorsese. He had no script and I didn't even know who he was. I hadn't seen any of his films and he talked a mile a minute telling me what the movie would be about. I was thinking, 'What is he talking about?' I thought the guy was crazy! The film...