The Spider-Man franchise has given us some of the most memorable villains in superhero cinema, but who are the best actors who played a Spider-Man movie villain? With each new film, a fresh face takes on the challenge of bringing these complex antagonists to life, adding d...
Hugh Lauriegot popular as a part of the comedy duoFry and Laurie, partnering with Stephen Fry. Both acted in several comedy shows, such asJeeves and WoosterandA Bit of Fry and Laurie, but Hugh Laurie got worldwide recognition for his role in the medical drama seriesHouse,where he played t...
Other than voicing the narrator's role in the animated film Boss Baby, the Spider-Man star has only appeared in one film since 2013, the little-seen Pawn Sacrifice. The actor got so much recognition for his iconic performance in Spiderman that most people don't even realize he...
With James Gunn's DC Universe yet to start, there are many DC heroes and villains that still need to be cast. Actors from the Arrowverse, DC's shared universe on TV, already have experience with the concept that the DCU follows. I think the new DCU could use some Arrovwerse stars to...
He’s now the hottest young actor around, starring opposite Keira Knightley and Carey Mulligan in 'Never Let Me Go' and taking up the part of the newest 'Spiderman.' But back in 2004, Garfield started his acting career as Billy in 'Kes' at the Manchester Royal Exchange. Always the heart...
Stuntperson William R. Spencer and actor Andrew Garfield rehearses a scene on the set of 'The Amazing Spiderman 2' in New York City on June 22, 2013.Ray Tamarra/Getty Andrew Garfieldand his double, William R. Spencer, synced their Spidey senses (and hairstyles!) as they rehearsed a scene...
"Wait, Sirius Black from the Harry Potter movies, the creepy villain in Leon: The Professional, Commissioner Gordon from Batman Begins, and the over-the-top Zorg from The Fifth Element are all the same dude!!"
3. When Zendaya auditioned for the role of MJ Watson, she wasn't supposed to know what she was auditioning for, but through her agents, she discovered it was for Spiderman: Homecoming. Marvel Studios / Sony / Via However, she still didn't know exactly which role. She tol...