Driver's acting career took off after graduating from the Juilliard School, a prestigious arts conservatory in New York City, where his raw talent and intense dedication were honed into the formidable skills that define his performances today. He first gained recognition for his role in...
Born in the vibrant city of Bradford, Chris Fountain is a young talent who has already made his mark on British television. Best known for his roles in the long-running soap operas Hollyoaks and Coronation Street, Fountain's heartfelt portrayals and relentless dedication to his craft reveal th...
If you weren’t guesting onLaw & Orderin the ‘90s and early 2000s, you were probably playing a boyfriend onSex and the City— like Justin Theroux, for example, who managed to get on the show twice, first in Season 1 as Jared, an up-and-coming author wearing a bunch of cord neck...
Arthur bequeathed $300,000 to the Ali Forney Center, which offers housing and other services to homeless LGBTQ+ youth in New York City. The Center's Bea Arthur Residence officially opened in 2015.
a writer of short stories who Carrie has to dump because of a rather embarrassing sexual issue. Looking back in an interview a few years ago, Therouxexplainedhow HBO had already “burned through every single male actor in New York” by the end of Season 1, and so had to start recycling...
Curtis Ousley, aka King Ousley, was born in Fort Worth, Texas on February 7, 1934. The saxophonist worked with artists like Aretha Franklin & The Coasters during the 60s. Ousleywas stabbed to death in New York Cityoutside his Manhattan apartment. He was 37 years old. ...
Fred Astaire is a special actor on this list, because he's also one of the most talented dancers in Hollywood. He was an actor during a time when films …
Your Best New Employee? A Theatermaker. Pictured: The cast ofBlack Angels Over Tuskeegeetakes a bow, as seen from backstage at The Actors Temple in New York. (Source: TripAdvisor) This pandemic means a lot of theater professionals are out of work. I know most corporate people think “flaky...
In 1938, Sinatra found employment as a singing waiter at a roadhouse called “The Rustic Cabin” in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, for which he was paid $15 a week.[51] The roadhouse was connected to the WNEW radio station in New York City, and he began performing with a group live...
Fat Joeis the stage name of Joseph Antonio Cartagena. Joe was born on August 19, 1970, in New York City, U.S.A. He followed the hip-hop music style and became a Diggin’ in the Crates Crew. Joe’s first solo album, Represent, was released in 1993. Some of Cartagena’s significant...