- There was a moment where I sort of just gave up where I was like, "oh, I give up, I can't do this." - And you're on such an amazing team on that show. That's right, that's all possible because the other actors.有那么一瞬间,我有点要放弃了,我想,“哦,我放弃了,我做...
- There's so much inside going on and there's so much going on in her brain that whether or not it's logic or, or not it's emotions that she's actually feeling. 有太多的内心活动,她的大脑也思考了太多事情,不管是不是有逻辑的事情,或者是不是她真正感受到的情绪。 And I think that tak...
we may fin d that our sense of self changes in desirable ways.As each of us chooses who to be friend, who to model ourselves on,an d who to ignore," wrote Meyer an d her colleagues, “we must makeourselves aware of how they shape not only the fabric of our social networks,but ev...
“This is so embarrassing,” Hathaway replies, “because I remember every second of the first time I met you. I’m so much more into you than you are into me. It’s fine. It’s fine.” Blunt may not recall the specifics of how the pair initially connected before working on 2006’...
This interface is implemented by StateManager. IActorStateProvider Represents the interface that an actor state provider needs to implement for actor runtime to communicate with it. IActorTimer Represents the timer set on an Actor. IRemindable Interface that actors must implement to consume ...
- You would've been a great cast member on "Friends." - I loved fr...- You would've been a Joey. 如果你出演《老友记》,你会是很棒的演员。我喜欢……- 你会演乔伊。 - My friends and I would always go around and be like, like, who are you most like? 我和我的朋友总是互相聊,...
Well, it's too. It's lucky because then when you have a show that's really good and really popular. People are like asking to be on the show.嗯,是这样。很幸运,因为当你有一部非常好、非常受欢迎的节目时。大家都想上这个节目。Yeah, yeah, of course. - Which is really really nice ...
‘it was so funny, I laughed so hard,’ and then you know that they go home, and think a little bit more about it, and they realize what the show is really about…it’s such a joyful process, to work on something so meaningful, something so inclusive, and have a laugh while ...
ActorRemotingWrappingDataContractSerializationProvider IActorRemotingMessageHeaders Download PDF Save Add to Collections Add to plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Print Reference Classes Interfaces Expand table IActorRemotingMessageHeaders Specifies the headers that are sent along with a ServiceRemoting ...
Po-Shen Loh is a man on a mission. A professor of mathematics at Carnegie Mellon university, in Pennsylvania, he believes that reimagining the way we teach can help future-proof youngsters in a world where AI poses a growing threat to job security. ...