Right. - Because we've sort of pretended in the movies for better or worse that it's just nonexistent, it's not happening, the masks and everything. 没错。- 因为我们在电影中是假装,无论好坏,它就是不存在,它没有发生,都是面具等等。 So just to kind of have that mirror was... - And...
- There's so much inside going on and there's so much going on in her brain that whether or not it's logic or, or not it's emotions that she's actually feeling. 有太多的内心活动,她的大脑也思考了太多事情,不管是不是有逻辑的事情,或者是不是她真正感受到的情绪。 And I think that tak...
Bush in Oliver Stone's 2008 film, W. Age: 57 Birthplace: Santa Monica, California, USA Dig Deeper Every Josh Brolin Movie, Ranked By Fans Also ranks #2 on 12 Times Actors Did A Perfect Impression Of Another Actor On-Screen Also ranks #4 on The 25 Best Comic Book Villain Movie ...
Also ranks #5 on People Who Had A Surprising Fall From Grace Heather Graham - Gray Matters Photo: Metaweb CC-BY Heather Graham played Gray Baldwin, a woman who went for the same woman as her brother in Gray Matters (2006). Graham has been romantically linked to Adam Ant, James Woods,...
MovieStillsDB Had it not been for his big name and charm, Costner would have been knocked off the ranks of A-listed actors after his role in the movie "Waterworld". A film that turned out to be an ocean of nonsense. He followed up this wet flop with "The Postman", hammering the...
I don't know about you, but I'm constantly in awe of what actors do, of other actors.太棒了。- 你过来吃晚饭,我们一起聊得很开心。你,我,亚当,我们的儿子都睡着了,我们聊生活,一起度过时光,你还记得那晚我们喝了什么不。I mean, I was in awe of what you did in "We Crashed" as ...
- And it was also nice to not be shooting a movie that was... It felt, you know, we're not disappearing and going into an alternate universe where COVID doesn't exist and we're being... I'm a cowboy or whatever, that's terrible and I'll nev...
If you ever see a guy sitting alone in a movie theater, chances are it’s me±because I need to make sure that Captain Marvel’s cat isn’t a CGI creation, so I can feature him in my annual Animal Oscars. If you're also happy to learn that Goose came to life thanks t...
A guy doesnt believe the house he lives in is haunted. When a pastor helps a girl haunted by ghost she meets this guy and they get married. Now our guy also sees the ghost and learns what the ghost want. A2020Tamilmovie Director:Selvakumar ...
If you ever see a guy sitting alone in a movie theater, chances are it’s me±because I need to make sure that Captain Marvel’s cat isn’t a CGI creation, so I can feature him in my annual Animal Oscars. If you're also happy to learn that Goose came to life thanks to two ...