Albert is best known for his role as Oliver Wendell Douglas in the television sitcom Green Acres that aired from 1965 to 1971. His portrayal of a New York attorney who becomes a farmer in Hooterville brought him household recognition and solidified his status as a comedy legend. Howeve...
His breakthrough came in the late 1980s when he landed a starring role as A.C. Slater on the popular teen sitcom Saved by the Bell. Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, López continued to maintain a solid presence in the world of acting, appearing in a variety of films, television ...
in which she plays a Chinese woman prostituted out by her impoverished father who lost his farmland to Japanese invaders. While Lihua had already starred in more than 40 Chinese-language films, she was referred to as “a newcomer of delicate loveliness” in a 1958...
Albert is best known for his role as Oliver Wendell Douglas in the television sitcom Green Acres that aired from 1965 to 1971. His portrayal of a New York attorney who becomes a farmer in Hooterville brought him household recognition and solidified his status as a comedy legend. However, ...