Over 144K fans have voted on the 270+ people on Best (Male) Actors Working Today. Current Top 3: Morgan Freeman, Leonardo DiCaprio, Denzel Washington
List of famous male character actors, listed by their level of prominence with photos when available. This greatest male character actors list contains the ...
thanks for dedicating vintage male actors from straight porn. Anything on Liev Richards, Alan Marlow, Ras Kean Thanks in advance Kickiton Expand Photos of these vintage porn actors are hard to find but I will be posting a few in the future. Just hit the "admire" button on the al...
After being fired as the originalPredator, replaced by the late Kevin Peter Hall, he broke out in the low budget movieBloodsport. Numerous roles followed through the ‘80s and ‘90s that made use of his martial arts skills, includingKickboxer, Lionheart,and the more respectedUniversal Soldierand...
Hoping to retain viewers’ hearts, TVB decided to revamp their actors’ images and make them into more appealing “male gods” in upcoming dramas. Bad Boy Bosco Wong in “Two Steps From Heaven” Although Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) has maintained a positive image in television dramas in recent years...
Is it really the best film of the ’80s? It’s certainly a strong contender (ba-da-bing!), and there’s little doubt that Robert De Niro’s performance is one of the all-time greats—not just for the remarkable physical transformation, but also for his embodiment of male sexual jealous...
In hisNew Yorkarticle, Blum classifiedFootloose’s male lead,Kevin Bacon, as one of several young actors who were “not quite there” in their careers. Yet Bacon went on to become one of the mostprolificactors of his generation, inspiring the parlor game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. As inT...
The Gionsha gods had many identities, but were most commonly conceived of as the male Tenjin 天神or (later) Gozu Tennō 牛頭天王; his wife Harisainyo 頗梨采女; and their sons, the Hachiōji 八王子 or “Eight Princes”. In the 1130s at the latest, a second otabisho was built further ...
screen style. Kapoor adopted a screen persona modeled onCharlie Chaplin’s the Little Tramp, Kumar was known for hismethod acting, and Anand had auniqueset of physical and vocal mannerisms. Actresses Meena Kumari,Madhubala, and Nargis were the equals of their male counterparts in terms of ...
Back in 2013, Kerry told The Guardian,“I’m a woman, Black, from New York, Aquarius—these are things that create who I am.” Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Samir Hussein//WireImage 11 Emma Roberts: February 10, 1991 Emma was Cosmo’s first pregnant cover star—being the first...