Born in the heart of Dublin, Ireland, Colin Farrell would grow to become one of Hollywood's most versatile leading men. His acting journey began at the Gaiety School of Drama, where he honed his skills before making a breakout appearance in the BBC drama Ballykissangel. This role...
Born in the heart of Dublin, Ireland, Colin Farrell would grow to become one of Hollywood's most versatile leading men. His acting journey began at the Gaiety School of Drama, where he honed his skills before making a breakout appearance in the BBC drama Ballykissangel. This role...
Although she appeared on Broadway for many years, June Squibb didn’t make her big-screen debut until 1990, when she was already 60 years old. Her breakthrough came later still; in 2013, she got an Oscar nomination at the age of 84 for her performance in Alexander Payne’sNebraska.Since...
But before you think that these beautiful leading ladies and gentlemen have the best job in the world, there’s certainly more going on behind the scenes than the electricity-sparking kiss tells the audience. As soon as those cameras stop rolling, you can bet stars like Liam Hemsworth...
Many regardBob Odenkirkto popularize the alt-comedy scene in the 90s, but Odenkirk’s second innings as a dramatic actor has been nothing short of phenomenal. TheBetter Call SaulandBreaking Badactorstarted as a writer in Saturday Night Live in 1987 and Odenkirk wrote for several comedy shows ...
Which 1920s look do you want to put together? Casual or sporty Daytime or business Formal or evening Flapper or jazz look I want to do a modern ‘20s interpretation View Results By Meghan Dubitsky Article Category: Wardrobe Back
- So, well, and they're like, "Well, screw the actors." No, so we... Anyway, we shut down. And then we took that time to kind of realize there was something missing in the beginning of season two and we couldn't put our finger on it. 所以,嗯,他们说,“谁管你们演员。”不,...
In 2015, a frustrated 11-year-old girl named Rowanwrote DC Comics a letterasking why there weren’t more female superheroes in the DC Universe. There are technically quite a few, especially if you count vigilantes like theBirds of Prey. Things have gotten better since 2015, but we’re st...
There hasn’t been much of Barry Keoghan’s Joker in Matt Reeves’s new Gotham, but this fresh new talent showed great promise as the Clown Prince of Crime. Appearing in the epilogue and adeleted sceneofThe Batman, this Joker is born with a disease that has left him with a permanent ...
In the '80s and early-'90s,Bill Murraywas one of the biggest comedic actors of the time, starring in a string of successful comedy blockbusters, includingGhostbusters 1 & 2, Caddyshack, Stripes, andGroundhog Day.Since then, Murray has become known to be notoriously choosey when selecting his...