Born in the heart of Dublin, Ireland, Colin Farrell would grow to become one of Hollywood's most versatile leading men. His acting journey began at the Gaiety School of Drama, where he honed his skills before making a breakout appearance in the BBC drama Ballykissangel. This rol...
Paul Giamatti, a renowned figure in the world of acting, was born on June 6, 1967 in New Haven, Connecticut. The son of A. Bartlett Giamatti, a Yale University president and later the commissioner of Major League Baseball, Giamatti certainly had big shoes to fill. Despite the pressure, he...
This List shows the Top 10 Tamil Actors in the Decade 1970-1979 of Tamil Cinema (Kollywood). This List is based on the Hits, Flops & Popularity of the Actor during the Decade.
Born on July 27, 1922, Norman Lear rose to prominence in the ‘70s for producing several television shows, includingAll in the Family, Maude, Sanford and Son, One Day at a TimeandThe Jeffersons. He won six Emmy Awards and was inducted into the Television Academy Hall of Fame before passi...
Another actor you’d generally associate with comedy over action is Ashton Kutcher. Since making his name inThat ‘70s Showalongside Topher Grace and future wife Mila Kunis, he’s gone on to make numerous movies and even returned to television when he replaced Charlie Sheen as the lead, along...
in the 60s and the 70s. The first one we will begin to mention, is The Hustler. It is a must mention. Created in 1961, this role has Newman playing Eddie Felson, the independently driven and confident cool that casino movies have never seen before. It is of course the fact that he ...
Actor Sean Penn dove into the portrayal of Milk and his quest to transform his area into a haven for LGBT folks during the 70s. The politician initially opened a camera shop in the Castro District before going into politics. In 1977 he became the n...
Which 1920s look do you want to put together? Casual or sporty Daytime or business Formal or evening Flapper or jazz look I want to do a modern ‘20s interpretation View Results By Meghan Dubitsky Article Category: Wardrobe Back
Born Susan Abigail Tomalin,Susan Sarandonisone of the most prolific leading actors in the business. Sarandon’s film career started in 1970 with a major role in the movieJoe, followed five years later with the now-iconic role of Janet in the cult classicThe Rocky Horror Picture Show. Through...
Born in the Los Angeles suburb of Glendale, he began his professional acting career in his early teens. He was soon making regular appearances on television, including on the hit sitcoms "Leave It to Beaver" (CBS/ABC, 1957-63) and "My Three Sons" (ABC/CBS, 1960-72). He also worked...