Kohlsmith is memorable as a demented young boy who's revealed to have killed his mother after being encouraged by a stranger who broke into the family home in Season 1, Episode 3, "I Like to Be Hugged." Meanwhile, Barish is shown in Season 1, Episode 4, "Just Let Go," as well as...
Anderson first found success when — as O’Malley characterized it —“he was killed in a basement” in the “Friday the 13th” sequel. He went on to appear in “Thirtysomething” as Billy Sidel, blind date-turned-husband to Ellyn Warren (Polly Draper), and in “Felicity” as Dr. Edwa...
O.J. Simpson, the football star and Hollywood actor who was acquitted of charges he killed his former wife and her friend in a trial that mesmerized the American public but was found liable in a separate civil case, has died. 2 of 15 | O.J. Simpson made a name for himself on the...
Twice divorced, O'Neal was romantically involved with Fawcett for nearly 30 years, and they had a son, Redmond, born in 1985. The couple split in 1997, but reunited a few years later. He remained by Fawcett’s side as she battled cancer, which killed her in 2009 at age 62. Wit...
Anderson said in a tribute reel in 2009 that Cassel was one of his favorite actors in the world, and that he met him, first, as a fan. "It's a dream to become an actor," Cassel told the L.A. Times in 2009. "But it's your dream. Don't give up on it." ...
Actor Bernard Hill, who delivered a rousing cry before leading his people into battle in “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" and went down with the ship as the captain in “Titanic," has died.
Estelle Harris, who hollered her way into TV history as George Costanza’s short-fused mother on “Seinfeld” and voiced Mrs. Potato Head in the “Toy Story” franchise, has died. She was 93 years old.
TRENTON, N.J. — An honest man doing an honest day’s work used to be something to be celebrated in America. But it didn’t seem like it — over the Labor Day weekend, of all times — after actor Geoffrey Owens was spotted at a Trader Joe’s in New Jerse
Certainly there was unfortunate coincidence. Production was delayed when Jason Scott Lee came down with hepatitis. Lauren Holly’s brother was killed in a fire. Hong Kong was hit with the worst monsoon in its history during filming. Triad, the infamous group of Hong Kong extortionists otherwise ...
Since the future Emmy winner didn’t intend to stick around long, he chose the former, leaving the latter to Santa Barbara alum Leigh J. McCloskey. Ironically, Damian was killed off only three years later; almost three decades on, Sonny isn’t just still on the show, he practically is...